Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 5 by Kai

Today we got up and ate grits. They were delicious. After our very slow start we got on the road and headed for Johno's (Anna's dad) school. Before we got there we made a quick stop at a friend's house whose residence is right behind a sow operation that had 4,000 sows. His house was 300 ft away and he got a lot of unsavory smells in his house. After we made that stop, we headed to the school and learned about wind turbines. After we talked we went out and visited a really big wind turbine. The wind turbine produces 1000 kilowatts or one megawatt.

We also learned how to make biodiesel from used vegetable oil.

After our wind turbine experience we ate lunch then headed to an ethanol plant. Most of the ethanol is used as a gas additive or replacement. We got a tour of the plant and learned a lot. But the tour woman was really unique.

After our unique tour we went to another sow operation and watched a man talk about pigs and equipment for 4 hours and it was unpleasant. An indoor sow raising operation is called a cafo. We learned about the contract the man has with his cafo operation owner. We saw tons of awesome equipment that cost a lot and it was used to harvest corn and soybeans. Once he harvested his corn and beans he would dump the crops in the semi and ship it off.

After that we went home to Anna's house and ate dinner and pie. We watched funny videos and relaxed.

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